Saturday, July 14, 2007

The buzz

MS3 is buzzing around my brain. I now think the motif in the point is a likely a bee. It fits even better with my original guess of the Goddess Neith, the weaver, the wearer of the veil, deity of the sky (light and dark). The Temple of Neith in Sau (Sais), Egypt, is known as the House of the Bee.

"The Veil of Neith" sounds like a good shawl name, too.

Or a thousand other guesses.
It probably really is a NASCAR checkered-flag theme. Ha!


Jenny Raye said...

You could be onto something with the bee theme. You can see the bee emerge in clues 1 and 2 and then clues 2 and 3 look quite like honeycomb.

I just finished clue 1, and it will likely be awhile before I can devote more time to the stole since I have the ripple to finish. I'll be watching yours and everyone elses, too.

Looks great so far!

Romi said...

I like that name. It works for me! :)

e's knitting and spinning blog said...

I think you are right! at first I thought there weren't eight legs but now that I look it is!