Tuesday, August 22, 2006

One story from the Michigan Fiber Festival

Happily poking around the vendor barns at the Michigan Fiber Festival last Saturday, I found some winsome boucle yarn in a booth with an attractive display. It called to me, and as I admired it, it began to dawn on me that I had seen it somewhere before....... where........ where?

Well, in my darn knitting bag on my shoulder, THAT"S where! I had begun knitting a sideways cardi in that very same yarn. Not only that, dear Knitterati, I had bought the pattern along with the yarn from the very same vendor at Convergence just a couple of months ago. This was to be a supremely lazy project after all my lace knitting - yarn and pattern with no changes, mindless, all in stockinette, and without a single conversion or YO in sight.

I unfurled my nearly completed sweater back and proudly showed it to the vendor. "My dear!", she exclaimed. "That's way too tight! Whatever needle size are you using?"

"Well, sevens...", I replied hesitantly.

Briskly, the vendor said, "That pattern calls for a nine." ("You idiot!" inferred here.)

"A NINE?! My mouth dropped open. "I was pretty sure it said a seven. I really do think I'm using a seven, too."

Vendor digs under the sheet covering her table, rummages around, and pulls out a copy of her pattern.

Yup, the pattern calls for a seven.

"Thank you!", the vendor says. "I'll need to correct these right away! Use a nine - or a ten!"

Now, I usually dutifully do a swatch, but this being a sideways sweater starting at the back, I held up the needle with the first few rows completed and judged it to be long enough. The rest of the knitting is measures in inches, not rows. so I had just plugged away....

Shew-eee! Wasn't it nice to have run into her? Coulda been a disaster, as I would have run out of yarn waaaaaaaay sooner than I planned.

Ribbit, ribbit....


MUDNYC said...

I always knit with smaller needles than called for, b/c my gauge is always too big and then the resulting garment has what my husband refers to as "all those big holes" in it.

Opal said...

How fortuitous. It looks like the knitting goddess was smiling upon you.

southern gal said...
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