Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Holes in One

Clickety-Clack Ewe finally decided on the new project. It will be the Cameron Lace Shawl from Heirloom Knitting.

The Jamieson Cobweb Ultra Shetland yarn isn't the thinnest in the CCE stash, but still, it seems as it it might break if breathed upon. We'll see what happens....


Jenny Raye said...

Since you're starting a lace project, you are joining Lacevember, aren't you? Just saying....

C'mon, join in the fun!

Opal said...

I love the Cameron Shawl! Excellent choice.

e's knitting and spinning blog said...

Ohh Sharon has a new one coming out next week called the nesting shawl. I think she said it takes 10 ultra cobweb! The hap book is coming out too- both on the 8th.